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Access to Health Science Professions

Access to health science professions

Welcome to your subject LibGuide provided by the library team. Use this guide to help health care image from North Notts College websiteyou find good quality academic resources for your studies. Click on the headings to the left to access information on how to access books, e-resources and journal articles for your subject. Please get in touch with us should you need support with our services.

Libraries and Opening Times


 We have a number of Learning Hubs spread across the campuses. Books and resources can  be borrowed and reserved at all sites. This includes loanable Chromebooks to use on campus. There are areas in each for quiet study, facilities to use PC's, power sockets for you to use your laptop and tables where you can study either individually or as a group. There are also printers in all libraries, stationery to  purchase, staplers and hole punchers. As well as of course friendly approachable staff to help you and answer queries.  

Image of books with computer mouse

Library Help

Library FAQ's 

We have lots of general information in our FAQ's. Browse through to find information about our resources, RNN Libraries services, referencing and how to find resources and use the Library Catalogue.